- AAS - Career Program
- Department of Nursing
Look at the numbers: our nursing program prepares you for career success
Students from Monroe Community College's nursing A.A.S. degree program routinely exceed state and national averages on the national licensing exam (NCLEX-RN). And our rates of employment, student satisfaction and employer satisfaction are high — 93 percent and up.
The nursing associate degree program lets you enter the job market with confidence, hands-on clinical training, and the skills you need for immediate workplace success. You'll learn from nursing professionals with years of experience. Peer tutors will help you meet new challenges. And your MCC nursing credits will transfer easily to RN and BSN programs.
The Associate degree nursing program at Monroe Community College at the Brighton campus located in Rochester, NY is accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000. The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate degree nursing program is "Continuing Accreditation".

How to Become a Registered Professional Nurse
MCC's A.A.S. in nursing degree prepares you to enter the nursing profession as a Registered Professional Nurse.
Due to the competitive nature of the nursing program, most students will complete several required courses before beginning the four-semester sequence of clinical nursing courses. Read our admissions requirements and contact the admissions office to learn more.
As you complete our professional nursing program, you'll be part of a diverse student population while gaining clinical experience at Rochester area hospitals and health care facilities. You could learn and work at these organizations:
- Strong Memorial Hospital
- Rochester General Health System
- Highland Hospital
- Unity Health System
- Heritage Christian Services
- The Arc of Monroe County
- Episcopal SeniorLife Communities
- Thompson Health
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nursing is among the top 10 occupations with the largest job growth. After earning your nursing degree and Registered Professional Nurse certification, you could advance your career in jobs like these:
- Nurse supervisor
- Nurse practitioner
- RN resource specialist
- Medical surgical RN
To learn more about the nursing associate of science degree at Monroe Community College, contact the admissions office at or (585) 292-2200.
A.A.S. Degree - Career Program
School(s): Health Sciences & Physical Wellness
MCC Program Code: NU01
The Department of Nursing strives to provide high quality education to a diverse population of students and assists them in achieving success in preparing for National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), and employment as an entry level Registered Professional Nurse. The Nursing Program is accredited by the New York State Department of Education, the New York State Board of Regents, and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, 3390 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta GA 30326, phone: The professional nursing program, including clinical courses or experiences, can be completed in two academic years of full-time study. A graduate of the program who is at least 18 years of age and who meets licensing criteria is eligible for admission to the National Council Licensing Exam established by New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions [online] retrieved from To be licensed as a registered professional nurse in New York State a candidate must:
- be of good moral character;
- be at least eighteen years of age;
- meet education requirements;
- complete course work or training in Infection Control and in the identification and mandated reporting of child abuse offered by a New York State approved provider; and
- meet examination requirements.
The clinical experiences required in the curriculum are provided through cooperation of Rochester area hospitals, long term care facilities and other health care agencies. All health care providers must abide by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Blood Borne Pathogen and NYS Department of Health regulations.
Requirements for Participation in the Nursing Program
1) Current CPR certification for two person professional rescuer which includes infant, child, adult and Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Only American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR and AED) certification is acceptable. Proof of certification must be submitted to the department prior to starting the program. Certification must be maintained throughout duration of program in order for the student to attend clinical.
2) Completion of medical requirements, clearance of existing health problem(s), and ability to meet essential functions (physical and mental demands) of the program. Medical requirements, including PPD (or acceptable evidence of freedom from communicability, chest xray or results of Quantiferon blood test), varicella vaccination (or history of disease or positive yearly titer) immunizations, must be met throughout the duration of the program in order for the student to attend clinical.
3) Vaccinations against influenza, hepatitis B, rubella, rubeola, mumps and meningitis; or required signed declaration waivers.
4) Successful completion of ESOL or Transitional Studies courses if enrolled.
5) All students are required to carry health insurance for each semester that they are matriculated in the nursing program.
Continuation in the Nursing Program
A minimum grade of C is necessary in all required nursing and biology courses for continued matriculation in the program. No student may progress to the next nursing course level without successful completion of all courses in the previous level. A student who fails to achieve a grade of C or better in the fourth semester nursing course will be ineligible for graduation.
Readmission to the Nursing Program
Nursing is a high demand, competitive program. Readmission to the nursing program is not automatic and is dependent on several factors. Students seeking readmission to the program should contact the Department of Nursing for information or refer to the "MCC Department of Nursing Student Related Policies" located on the Department of Nursing website. Readmission, if approved, is always on a space available basis.
The program of study must be completed within five years of matriculation. NUR 050 is required for students who are transferring into the program, admitted with advanced standing, or returning to the program after an absence of one year. Completion of NUR 050 is valid for one year. Students reentering NUR 111 do not need to take NUR 050. NUR 050 cannot be used as an elective in the Nursing program. Any deviation from the basic program of study requires written approval from the department.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Advocate for patients and families to support Human Flourishing:
a. Collaborate with other members of the interprofessional team to achieve patient outcomes.
b. Integrate therapeutic communication into nursing practice, honoring diversity, equity and inclusion.
c. Incorporate strategies to reduce health disparities by examining social determinants of health.
2. Demonstrate Nursing Judgment substantiated with evidence, to provide safe, quality, patient centered care:
a. Integrate information literacy to create an individualized plan of care using the Nursing Process.
b. Utilize clinical judgment to support the achievement of outcomes for patients and families.
c. Set priorities within the framework of safe, quality, efficient, and effective nursing care.
3. Develop an evolving Professional Identity that reflects the philosophy of the MCC Department of Nursing:
a. Incorporate accountable behaviors into nursing practice that conform to legal and regulatory frameworks of the profession.
b. Engage in ethical reasoning according to the ANA Code of Ethics.
4. Establish a Spirit of Inquiry for professional nursing practice:
a. Utilize information literacy to incorporate evidence-based standards into professional nursing practice.
Employment Potential
For related jobs: Career Coach
Occupational Resource:
Requirements for Program Entrance
1) A grade of C or better in High School Biology and Chemistry or equivalent college courses.
2) Mathematics Level 7; placement based on review of academic reocrd OR B- in MTH 096 OR C or better in any math course listed as meeting the MTH160 prerequisite OR C or better in MTH 160 or higher.
Competitive Admission – Please contact the Admission Office regarding current admission criteria and/or geographic limitations.
Distribution Requirements | Credit Hours |
MTH 160 Statistics I (grade of C or higher required)# | 3 |
BIO 144 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (grade of C or higher required)* | 4 |
NUR 110 Foundations of Nursing (grade of C or higher required) | 1 |
NUR 111 Fundamentals of Nursing (grade of C or higher required) | 7 |
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychological Science (grade of C or higher required) | 3 |
First Semester Total: | 18 |
ENG 101 College Composition (grade of C or higher required) OR ENG 200 Advanced Composition (grade of C or higher required) | 3 |
BIO 145 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (grade of C or higher required)* | 4 |
NUR 112 Nursing Care of the Adult and Child I (grade of C or higher required) | 8 |
PSY 212 Developmental Psychology - Lifespan (grade of C or higher required) | 3 |
Send Semester Total: | 18 |
BIO 202 Microbiology (grade of C or higher required)* | 4 |
NUR 210 Issues in Nursing (grade of C or higher required) | 1 |
NUR 211 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (7 weeks; grade of C or higher required) | 4 |
NUR 212 Maternal - Neonatal Nursing (7 weeks, grade of C or higher required) | 4 |
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (grade of C or higher required) | 3 |
Third Semester Total: | 16 |
NUR 214 Nursing Care of the Adult and Child II (grade of C or higher required) | 8 |
HEG 215 Global Health and Culture (grade of C or higher required) | 3 |
PSY 108 Fundamentals of APA Style (grade of C or higher required) | 1 |
Fourth Semester Total: | 12 |
*Grades for BIO 144, 145, and 202 must be no more than seven years old for the grade to be considered when the applicant is accepted for admission into the nursing program.
#MTH requirement must be fulfilled prior to beginning NUR 112 course. Eligibility to take the math requirement for the Nursing program during the first semester may make it necessary to plan for additional math courses prior to admission. Please speak to an advisor to discuss an appropriate sequence. LPNs seeking admission with advanced standing must have already completed the MTH requirement at time of admission.
OTHER NOTES: Nursing is a high demand, competitive program. Readmission to the nursing program is not automatic and is dependent on several factors. Students seeking readmission to the program should contact the Department of Nursing for information or refer to the "MCC Department of Nursing Student Related Policies." Readmission, if approved, is always on a space available basis.
Credit Hours: Laboratory hours in the Nursing Program are credited at a ratio of 1:3 (every 3 clock hours of laboratory is equivalent to 1 credit hour).
Advanced Standing 3-Semester Option of LPN’s (NU02): To exempt Fundamentals of Nursing (NUR 111), an applicant must complete one of the following options:
-Graduated from the Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing program within the past three years.
-Earned a score of 70 or higher on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Nursing Accelerated Chasing Exam (NACE) through the NLN Assessment Services within the past two years. The sku for NACE Foundations of Nursing for Examity is E-NRF_1. Students may only attempt the exam once. We encourage you to review the NLN Exam Student Guide and purchase the “E-NRF_1.2:NACE Foundations of Nursing for Examity” before you sign up to take the NLN exam for MCC.
-Completed the Excelsior College ( exam #NURX-210 with a grade of “B” or better within the past three years. This exam was last offered in August 2022
Three semester LPN students are admitted in the Fall and Spring semester if space is available.
Advanced Standing 2-Semester Option for LPN’s (NU03): To exempt Fundamentals of Nursing (NUR 111), an applicant must complete one of the following options:
-Graduated from the Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing program within the past three years.
-Earned a score of 70 or higher on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Nursing Accelerated Chasing Exam (NACE) through the NLN Assessment Services within the past two years. The sku for NACE Foundations of Nursing for Examity is E-NRF_1. Students may only attempt the exam once. We encourage you to review the NLN Exam Student Guide and purchase the “E-NRF_1.2:NACE Foundations of Nursing for Examity” before you sign up to take the NLN exam for MCC.
-Completed the Excelsior College ( exam #NURX-210 with a grade of “B” or better within the past three years. This exam was last offered in August 2022
-Complete the MCC Nursing Department Exam for NUR 112 (Nursing Care of the Adult and Child – I) with a grade of C or better.
For either Advanced Standing Option, NLN NACE exam scores may not be more than 2 years old and must be available when the student is matriculated. Excelsior College scores may not be more than three years old and must be available when a student is first matriculated. Students beginning either option are required to take Foundations of Nursing (NUR 110) concurrently with the first clinical course. Students must take Application of the Nursing Process (NUR 050) prior to beginning the first clinical course. The department reserves the right to withhold transfer credit until the student has demonstrated competence in a clinical nursing course at MCC.
A Pre-Nursing advisement sequence for LPNs preparing to enter the nursing program is available for those who meet criteria. Please contact the Admissions Office at 292-2200 for further information.
Extended Option for High School Graduates (NUE1): An advisement sequence for high school graduates seeking admission in the fall semester immediately following their graduation is intended to provide an opportunity for the student to complete the program over three years. This option was designed to create an environment that promotes success for the student who is new to the rigors of college level work.